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Skolens principper, godkendt af skolebestyrelsen.


BYOD: BYOD (kalundborg.dk) 


Skolebestyrelsens årshjul

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Kostpolitik (nov. 24)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Antimobbestrategi (sep. 24)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Princip for idræt og badning (sep. 24)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Princip for klassedannelse (sep. 24)

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Deltagelse i eliteidræt eller musikskole

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Shape Created with Sketch.


Shape Created with Sketch.

Vikardækning (apr. 23)

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Kontaktforældre (okt. 23)

Shape Created with Sketch.

SFO'ens virksomhed (nov. 23)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Skole-hjem-samarbejdet (nov. 23)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Rusmiddelpolitik (feb. 25)

Shape Created with Sketch.

Handleplan ved elevfravær (feb. 25)

Shape Created with Sketch.